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Hi. I am a BLM student at CQ University. The purpose of this blog is to record my ideas and discoveries as I play with new technological tools that may be used in the classroom.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reflective Synopsis


The current generation of students in Australian schools has never known a world without computers. Prensky (2001) calls such students
Digital Natives. They differ from previous generations in how they work, play, learn and socialise (Healey & Honan, 2004). In Australia, 79% of students aged 5 to 14 use the internet (ABS, 2010). As they acclimatise to non-linear and non-hierarchical learning, school educators must reassess how they present knowledge to students and how knowledge is assessed.

In this synopsis, I explore four technological tools – Skype, Blogs, Wikis and Powerpoint, chosen because of their ability to serve the purposes of aiding students in acquiring and integrating knowledge, extending and refining knowledge and presenting products to an audience. I will also discuss how these tools align with learning frameworks and theories, and can encourage higher order thinking.

Knowledge Acquisition: Skype

To acquire knowledge, the brain needs information to be presented using both the ‘known’ and ‘novel stimuli’ (Caine & Caine, 1990). Information must apply to students’ own lives by having an outside, real-life, “authentic” focus (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1998), whilst being presented in an original way. Authentic experiences can be created through technological tools which encourage the ‘relate’ component of Engagement Theory, where students are able to collaborate, find and develop information as a collective (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1998). 

My investigations of Skype showed the tool’s potential to offer an affordable option for students to access both visual and aural information, to enable schools in city, country and even remote locations to host guest speakers, and to encourage collaboration with experts outside the classroom. The Skype programme is free to download and run which means students in all socio-economic areas can access information, and peers in both higher and lower socio-economic circumstances around the world can be reached, eliminating social barriers and accessibility issues, encouraging diversity.

Vygotsky’s suggestion that the process of acquiring knowledge is a social activity aligns with the ‘relate’ component of the Engagement theory. It is through interactions with others that one comes to understand and construct meaning (Lambert, 2002) The ‘net generation’ likes face to face interactions with peers (Roberts, 2005). “While they may use technology in their daily lives, relationships are a driving force in the learning process” (Roberts, 2005). For schools unable to access guest speakers in person, Skype provides a viable alternative. Interviews can be conducted and information gained, using the familiar framework of an in-school interview but with the novelty of contacting someone immediately using technology. Skype allows students to go straight to the source of knowledge, which allows them to “work smarter, not faster” (Eisenberg, 2001). Through Skype, students gain declarative knowledge that is key to their current tasks and interests, and contributes to their success. “It is declarative knowledge that often is the primary factor in students’ succesfully completing tasks and obtaining useful results” (Marzano & Pickering, 2006).

Students may effectively use Skype as an information-seeking tool once they have identified what information needs to be gained. At this stage of learning, students may use the Dimension Two strategy, ‘using a KWL chart’ as a framework (Marzano & Pickering, 2006). Planning and constructing questions of peers and experts engages students in higher order thinking, and enables teams to develop their understandings of the task goal. “Meaningful material is encoded and stored more efficiently than non-meaningful material.” (McInerney & McInerney, p. 102) Undertaking the thought process where students decide on questions aligns with the second component of the Engagement Theory, ‘create’, and ensures the information extracted from the speaker is meaningful to the students and the project being undertaken. Using Skype in the classroom can shift the focus from the teacher to student. Students are able to “discover or figure out new information for themselves” (Marzano & Pickering, 2006), ensuring student ownership of tasks and the ability to construct their own meaning at their own pace. Being able to design questions directly related to tasks make this tool very effective for students.

Knowledge Integration: Blog Journal

Organising and sequencing information enables students to store information (Marzano & Pickering, 2006). My investigations of using a blog shows blogs can encourage students to reflect on and order their learning using text and images. The medium employs all three Engagement Theory components – relate, create and donate (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1998).  

As new knowledge is acquired, reflection on experiences is required for information to be stored (Lambert, 2002) and “downloaded”. Students can state what they have learned, and engage their meta-cognitive skills to explain the thinking processes behind their understandings (Hill, 1996). The creation of a Blog differs from traditional reflective journals in that blogs provide platforms for students to participate in collaborative learning through comments posted by peers. The blogs can act as a reflective tool to document students’ information gaining process, with students presenting understandings in sequenced entries through video, graphics, words and music.

Blogs provide spaces for students to participate in individual as well as collaborative learning with fellow on-line bloggers (Huffaker, 2005). Through shared ideas, questions and back-and-forth dialogue, students are able to compare understandings to their own, identify patterns in information and students become aware of multiple perspectives on the one issue, on both a local and global scale. Collaborative learning forces students to clarify and verbalise problems, and find solutions through on-line participation in comment postings (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1998). This is the idea behind the third component of the Engagement Theory, ‘donate’, where student projects are given a ‘customer’ or outside audience (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1998). Interacting with on-line communities enables students to become aware of other ways to think about problems, and examine the multiple perspectives on an issue. The public nature of blogs can motivate students to explore understandings more deeply, and to produce higher quality work (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1998). Extending the audience from classmates to a global community, students take more pride in their work. Ultimately, collaborative learning through the use of blogs enables student understandings of topics become deeper and more refined than if the student was to work on their own. This is clear in one of my discussions with a peer on line, where a fellow blogger helped me to see the range of ways Powerpoints can be used in the classroom. Other posts that show constructivist approaches to learning include those with fellow bloggers, 'Two Hours, twice a week...' and Jess’.

Another positive aspect of using blogs for knowledge integration is the non-threatening environment it offers students. As students can maintain some degree of anonymity, shyer students can feel more confident to ask and explore questions that they may not have been able to do in the classroom. Students may choose to blog in class, at home or other locations, and at any time best suits them. Learning managers can aid students in gaining deeper understandings, encouraging students to explore the topic more deeply by answering students’ questions and commenting on students’ posts. Teachers may pose questions for students to consider or encourage them to undertake more research in a particular area.

While blogs can be beneficial to students, security risks and ethics must be taught explicitly to ensure the students’ safety.

Extend and Refine Knowledge: Wiki

Once information has been acquired and integrated into students’ schema, technological tools can help students extend and refine these understandings (Marzano & Pickering, 2006). One tool that has the capacity to serve this need is the Wiki.

Wikis provide a medium for the ‘relate’ and ‘create’ components of the Engagement Theory, where students are given opportunities to construct knowledge as a collective group, and work on an authentic task, which is student-centred (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1998). Ras & Rech (2009) point out that students enjoy building social networks and working in teams. Technological tools such as the Wiki enable sharing of information, instant access to information and the ability to deepen knowledge through collaborative work, which is the way they enjoy and work best.  

The Wiki offers students a space to exercise Dimension 4 processes such as making decisions, investigating issues and inventing new products and processes (Marzano & Pickering, 2006). The Wiki in itself is just a platform in which students can ‘knowledge dump’ and share information, but when utilised to its full potential students will arrange information, edit information and develop project goals in ways that are unique to the group. At all times, technological tools require students to make the decision about what is credible as a source and what isn’t, which engages higher order thinking.

Among the benefits of a Wiki is the ability for teachers to see who and when people have accessed the site. Unlike traditional collaborative tasks where inferences are made about the effectiveness of the teamwork based on the end product, Wikis open up the potential for teachers to assess on input, as well as the end product. The collaborative nature of the Wiki is combined with students being able to work on research and ideas on their own. This can benefit students who are often overshadowed by ‘bossier’ students. The Wiki takes away a lot of the group dynamic problems that can arise from traditional collaborative work. Students can reflect other’s research, continually building on the collective knowledge, deepening and refining their understandings of the content.

Wikis do not require significant technology skills to operate, and the pages are able to ‘hold’ all information students find on the net throughout their research. Unlike traditional note-taking methods then, Wikis allow sharing of movies, podcasts, text and images, all with a cut and paste click. This corresponds to the main idea behind the Big6 theory of working “smarter, not faster” (Eisenberg, 2001).

Investigating the Wiki this term by using the Wiki for group assignments I found further positives to using this tools within the classroom, including time management and accessibility. As outlined in my blog, Wikis offers a merging of the oral and industrialised learning models, enabling students to learn current information through text in an instant (Ferris & Wilder, 2008).

Presentation of Learning: Powerpoint

The process of presenting understandings should encourage higher order thinking and the use of Dimension Four strategies such as ‘Invention’, and ‘Decision Making’ (Marzano & Pickering, 2006).

Powerpoints offer students a platform in which they can present visuals, texts, colours, audio, quotes, links to simulations and URL addresses simultaneously (Voss, 2004). Students must make decisions about what information is important to add as distinct from what is just ‘pretty’, using their higher order thinking as they decide how to best present what they know, and what mediums they will incorporate. PowerPoint offers students of all preferred learning styles to be catered for as information can be presented in a variety of ways so students can individualise their products, choosing the best way to present what they know.

Many people have become disinterested in Powerpoint presentations due to its overuse (Keller, 2003). Before I undertook this course, I must admit, I thought Powerpoints were mundane too. However, through on-line discussions on my blog, I was urged by peers to look deeper into its applications. I went and experimented with its uses, and found that its uses were only limited by one’s imagination.

PowerPoint allows students with different learning styles to present information, showing off their ability to consolidate and sequence information they have learned. The Powerpoint is a vehicle to express understandings in both linear or non-linear narratives, and the timed animation function enables students to create stop-start animations. This may be why it is “one of the most widely used software applications” (Keller, 2003).


Studies have shown that students in an environment where learning is done through technology are more co-operative and less competitive (Matusevich, 1995). “Digital activities popular with youth may appear to be child’s play, but research indicates that these digitized toys and pursuits help young people develop a wide range of aptitudes and skills that are needed in a digital economy” (Lankshear and Knobel, 2003). Instruction and exploration of content through technological tools enables learning to be tailored to student interests and abilities. But technology alone will not ensure learning takes place. “The key to success lies in finding the appropriate points for integrating technology into a new pedagogical practice, so that it supports the deeper, more reflective self-directed activity children must use if they are to be competent adults in the future” (Matusevich, 1995). Using technology alongside sound pedagogical frameworks such as Dimensions of Learning and the Big6, Learning Managers can ensure technology is used to enhance learning, rather than simply as a ‘filler’. Technology provides “tools which are an integral part of a child’s learning experience” (Matusevich, 1995). Technological tools such as Skype, Blogs, PowerPoint and Wikis are four of many options that Learning Managers have to ensure knowledge is acquired, integrated, extended and refined and presented whilst ensuring students build connections in the community, creating meaningful projects and present understandings through authentic contexts (Kearsley & Schneiderman, 1998). “By fostering digital literacy in subject teaching, practitioners are not only acknowledging and reflecting young peoples’ lived experiences of digital media cultures, they are supporting their students to extend their knowledge and become critical and discerning participants in their own in-school learning’’ (Hague & Payton 2010).

Reference List

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2010). Household Use of information technology, Australia. Retrieved August 23, 2010, from http://abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/8146.0/

Caine, R. & Caine G. (1990). Understanding a brain-based approach to learning and teaching. Educational Leadership, October 1990. P. 66-70

Diana Voss (2004), Powerpoint in the classroom, Is it really necessary? The American Society for Cell Biology. V3 p.155-161 Fall 2004.

Eisenberg, M. & Berkowitz, B. (2001). Big6 Skills Overview. Retrieved August 10, 2010 from www.big6.com

Ferris, S. & Wilder, H. (2008). Uses and potentials of Wikis in the classroom. Retrieved July 10, 2010, from www. qub.ac.uk/directorates/AcademicStudentAffairs/CentreforEducationalDevelopment/e-Learning/E-LearningFileStore/Filetoupload,134940,en.pdf

Healey, A., & Honan, E. (2004). Text Next: New Resources for Literacy Learning. NSW: Peta Publications. 

Hague, C. & Payton, S. (2010). Digital literacy across the curriculum: A Futurelab handbook. Retrieved August 20, 2010, from www.futurelab.org.uk

Hill, S. (1996). Cooperative learning: turning obstacles into opportunities. Pen103. Newtown, NSW: Primary English Teaching Association. 

Huffaker, D. (2005). Association for the advancement of computing in education journal. 13(2).

Kearsley, G. & Schneiderman, B. (1998). Engagement Theory: A Framework for technology-based teaching and learning. V38 n5 p.20-23 Sept/Oct 1998.

Keller, J. (2003). Killing me Microsoftly with PowerPoint. Chicago Tribune. January 5.

Lambert, L., Et al. (2002) The Constructivist Leader (2nd Ed). New York, USA: Teachers College Press.

Marzano, R., & Pickering, D. (2006). Dimensions of learning teacher’s manual (2nd Ed). Heatherston, Vic, Australia: Hawker Brownlow Education.

Matusevich, M. (1995). School Reform: What role can technology play in a constructivist setting?Retrieved April 1, 2010, from http://delta.cs.vt.edu/edu/fis/techcons.html.

McInerney, D. & McInerney, V. (2006). Educational psychology: Constructing learning (4th ed.). Frenchs Forest, NSW, Australia: Pearson.

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5).

Ras, E. & Rech, J. (2009). The journal of systems and software. Retrieved August 15, 2010 from http://paper.joerg-rech.com/JSS_ras_rech_PRINT.pdf

Roberts, G. (2005). Technology and learning expectations of the net generation. Educating the net generation. Retrieved August 20, 2010 from www.educause.edu/EducatingtheNetGeneration/5989.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


In my investigations of Skype I was able to contact my best friend who lives in London, viewing her son face to face, and reading him stories for his bedtime, all while I am still waking up. I was able to show her around my renovations, which could not have happened on a normal telephone. The idea that students could contact another person on the other side of the world, and access information from experts 24 hours a day made me realise the power of this tool in developing students’ understandings of time, day and night around the world, and even seasons. Being able to actually view the differences in daytime and seasons and relate these to geographical locations of speakers make knowledge more meaningful for the students.


·     Contact experts - go straight to source of information

·   Affordability (Free skype-to-skype calls)

·      Information gained through both visual and audio

·      Can ‘share screens’ to see what the other person is working on (good for tech help)

·      Accessibility (just need a computer, or even a phone)

·      Face to face contact with peers


·      Have to arrange when to call

·      Bad connections (some calls cut out / images and audio are bad quality)


·      Offers the option to conference call between multiple people

Uses of PowerPoint

Since beginning this journey, discussion with on-line peers have changed my views about PowerPoint. No longer do I view it just as a presentation tool for lectures. 

Here are a few things PowerPoints can be used for:

* Making Frame-by-frame Claymations
* Choose your own adventure stories
* Quizzes, with links sending users to correct answers and further explanations of a concept.
* Display of science experiment journey
* Presentation of stories and ideas, using voice overs to aid those who have low literacy skills
* Presentation after using a Wiki to develop ideas (consolidated multi-modal text)
* Displaying small books on a bigger screen for young children
* Slide-by-slide student diary 

Learning Objects

Through the exploration of learning objects in our tutorial at school, a comment by a lecturer made me wonder, how does prescribed learning objects ensure all students are catered for? If half of the class know the subject matter already, and the other half don’t, does that really mean you still teach the learning object to the WHOLE class?

There are many benefits of using technology in the classroom. However, I am constantly questioning whether technology is actually ASSISTING in knowledge acquisition. For me, it would seem that students would actually learn more by doing an experiment, physically. After conducting a test then students may be asked how they could make the test better? And then enter into the topic of fair testing, using non-examples and examples from their past experiences. In this case the students would have an existing bank of knowledge to draw on, and students who already know about fair testing are able to show their knowledge through a task at their standard, rather than becoming bored by going over information they already know. There are benefits to learning objects, no doubt, as they can be used when no equipment is available, or locations or time restraints do not permit certain knowledge to be acquired practically. However, as Learning Managers we must continue to ask ourselves, how can technology be used to FURTHER knowledge acquisition and deep understandings??? I think we need to look at the teachers who are failing to use technology appropriately, either by using it badly, or not using it at all.

As I mentioned on Anna’s blog, the problem with ICTs in education is that teachers may use technology to teach content superficially. Even with widespread use of technology in schools and homes, there is a declining rate of graduating students in technology and decreasing interest of children in technology education (Moravec, 2009). This suggests that the problem is not technology, but the way it is being used. “The key to success lies in finding the appropriate points for integrating technology into a new pedagogical practice, so that it supports the deeper, more reflective self-directed activity children must use if they are to be competent adults in the future” (Matusevich, 1995). This means computers need to stop being used as ‘add-ons’ or modern day electronic alternatives to old fashioned worksheets which focus on rote skills, and look to technology as the “tools which are an integral part of a child’s learning experience” (Matusevich, 1995).

In my posting on Anna’s blog, I suggested teachers needed more training (and funding to do more training) in the area of technology. But, I wonder, even if teachers implement technology into classrooms, how do we ensure technology is integrated in a way that improves educational outcomes, rather than using it because it is ‘fun’? 

Practicalities of using a Wiki

At uni, we had to do group presentations for two subjects. When we were teamed up, our team discovered that three of our group members lived reasonably close to each other but one lived quite far away. I suggested we use a Wiki to consolidate information without needing to meet face to face for group meetings. This also gave me a chance to see, in practical terms, how collaborative work using a Wiki is.

At first the site was used as a space to ‘knowledge dump.’ Every scrap of information, every idea or question or lead to places of interest was noted on the Wiki. This allowed each member to follow the progress of the presentation. Team members could comment on others ideas, pose questions to each other and information was consolidated as the heart of the presentation became clearer.

Having all the information in the one spot, and team members already familiar with information before each meeting ensured meetings became more about REFINING the knowledge we had gathered rather than using up precious time sharing research and commenting on what might be relevant and what might not be.


*  No need to for group members to meet up to discuss ideas. All questions and information can be shared on line.

Able to see who has been contributing.

* All information is shared, and in the one place.

* Projects can be worked on at any time of the day.


* Editing at the same time freaks out the site!

* Some people are scared of using the technology.

* Students can use the wiki purely as a knowledge dump, not building on knowledge or editing as they go which means the wiki becomes very overwhelming and crowded. Unfortunately when this happened, certain people had to continually take on the role of editing, ordering and minimising repeated information.


* If people are not contributing, this can cause bad feelings amongst the group. 

In the classroom, the Learning Manager could diffuse bad feelings within the group by ensuring students contributed to the gathering and organisation of information evenly, by checking the log of editors/contributors on line. Perhaps a criteria sheet could have one box for contribution, which is marked according to the log which outlines the contributions made.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

iMovie & Youtube

I used iMovie (a Mac programme) to make a movie about my journey in the Arts. This was a very time consuming process but using the programme I was able to express my ideas in a creative way, combining images, text and audio. The types of effects were also able to communicate the ideas behind this project, which was a very reflective journey.

When I had finished this film, which was the first one I had ever made, I was very proud and wanted to show my parents. Unfortunately, my parents live in Adelaide and the file was too large to send in an email. I decided to post it onto Youtube, which was really easy to use and upload to.

Plus - encourages creativity, can incorporate still or moving images as well as text and audio, engaging way to present information, easy to 'drop' images and audio in.
Minus - takes lots of time which could demotivate, constant access to computers is needed.
Interesting - students would need briefing on copyright laws for images and songs, movie can be incorporated into other applications such as power points.

Plus - ability to share with others which would be good for long distance education
Minus - public access to the videos means certain videos might not be appropriate
Interesting - Comments from a wide range of people

Monday, August 9, 2010


In our group presentations this term, we made use of PowerPoint presentations to present information to the class. This is not a new concept to any of us, as this is the tool that is used to present every lecture at Uni. 

I think it is very useful in that graphs and text can be presented clearly, easily and professionally. Unfortunately, I feel this tool lacks the spark that other technological tools have, which engages students with new, fun ways of presenting information. 

Am I missing something? Can the powerpoint be more than a mundane information dump?

Plus: Easily presents data using graphs and graphic organisers, easy to use, backgrounds can be changed to add interest.

Minus: Students are used to information being presented this way, does not appeal to all learning styles, limited to academic uses

Interesting: Effects can be added to words and graphs, but too enthusiasm for these can lead to overuse of 'bells and whistles', detracting from information delivery.

Screen Captures & Hyperlinks

Throughout my group work at University over the last few weeks, I have discovered a few incompetencies I have on the computer. 

1. I didn't know how to do a screen capture (I have always right clicked - saved - added file).
2. I had never created a hyperlink (Usually the website self-hyperlinked in documents I used).

So, today I played with these two things.

On the mac, I discovered the 'grab' tool in the applications folder and then all I had to do was click on 'capture' on the top tool bar. Easy! 

As for the hyperlink... I didn't realise it was so easy! All I had to do was click the 'link' in the tool bar. 

I then wondered, how can I make a link to a reference list? How do I hyperlink to a word document on the internet? Where does the word document live? 

There may be an easier way, but my solution was to add a hyperlink to a page on my wiki which now contains my reference list for this assignment.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Today I made my first website using weebly.com. I can't believe all these years I thought websites were too hard for me to create!!! I had a lot of fun creating it. (www.aliboyce.weebly.com). The only thing I needed to decide was what I wanted the web site for. In the end I made a website to promote me as a teacher.

This program is easy enough for middle primary students to tackle. Websites would be a great way for students to catalogue their work throughout the year so parents and relatives could see see what they have been doing (Ie. a portfolio). It is a great way for them to promote themselves, and learn new ICT skills. 

For the teacher, I can see how this can be used as a tool to promote themselves to potential employers, as it allows the person to communicate their personality and interests more than a traditional CV can. 

Professor Wikipedia


Alys Wiki

Today I set up my first Wiki site, using wikispaces.com. Until Thursday, I had never even heard of a 'wiki', besides 'wikipedia'. Basically, Wiki is a space where a community - large or small, public or private - may posting new ideas on the one topic and editing existing posts to come up with a more refined product. Unlike blogs, which everyone can read, but noone may edit, a Wiki can be viewed by all and edited by others also. What an amazing classroom tool!!!!

As a student I can count a dozen times where this tool would have been helpful in my studies so far. By using Wiki we would have eliminated the need to send group emails back and forth, wasting time reading over the same things and duplicate ideas. When organising events and assignments through group emailing, the task is almost always pushed forward by the most organised person who doesn't mind re-organising information and sending it back in a collated form. The Wiki would save this person so much time as there is no need for one person to be the organiser. With wiki the responsibility is on the GROUP.

There have been many changes in education over the years. Before the industrialized era where education became print based, people were educated aurally (Ferris & Wilder, 2008). Oral culture had the strength of being based in community and people had group ownership of knowledge. The introduction of print based education moved education from a community focus to an individual act. Print also meant information was not from the 'now'. Instead, the printing of information meant education could become stagnant and outdated. Ferris and Wilder (2008) talk about the era of education called, "secondary orality," where technology allows education to take the best of both print and oral methods of acquiring knowledge. 

I absolutely see the benefit of Wikis in the classroom. Wiki technology reintroduces the focus on group/community and encourages participation. In a class setting, it benefits the students, but also the teacher who can easily monitor who has been contributing to tasks by looking at the log of edits, and can contribute clues if groups are off task, or have inaccurate information.

Learning styles quiz

My task at University this term is to test different digital tools that can be used in the classroom to enhance learning. The idea is that, by including technology effectively into lessons, all students, with varying learning styles and experiences, can be better catered for more effectively than when traditional teaching methods are employed.

I continue to be in two minds about technology in the classroom. Just because the students are more technology savvy these days, and prefer playing computer games than reading a book, does that mean we should continue to encourage their tendencies, or is it our job as teachers to give them a taste of the 'traditional' (books, paper and pen, sedning letters in the post etc) to balance their technology-saturated lives? I am still unsure where I sit on this issue. Does technology really 'enhance' the learning environment?

Well, this is the question I will endeavor to answer during this course.

But before I begin poking, prodding and critiquing as many available technologies for the classroom as I can, I must start by looking at myself. Who am I, as a learner? How do I best work? 

I pop onto a learning styles website (www.learning-styles-online.com) to find out more...

The results are pretty much as I expected. Above all, I am a social person who prefers to work in groups. I have equally strong preferences for learning visually (pictures, images, spatial awareness), physically (using body and sense of touch), aurally (using sound and music) and logically (using logic and reasoning processes). I learn least effectively when learning is verbal (using words) and solitary (working alone).

Blogs for the classroom?

When asked how blogs could be useful in a teaching context, I began to think about blogs of friends - cooks, photographers, travelers - and how they used their blogs to address certain needs in their specific contexts. Travel blogs were used to keep family and friends up to date with travels, cooking blogs helped establish a cyber-community of people who share the same passion and want to swap techniques/recipes, and journal-like blogs could be used as a tool for reflections on professional experiences.

It seems that all of the above needs are also needs of teachers. Teacher blogs can help establish cyber-communities where resources and ideas can be shared, and journeys of particular teachers that interest you can be followed. Through the actual writing of the blog, teachers are also able to consider and reflect on their practice and their own learning journey. In this way, I think blogs definitely have a place in teachers lives.

But what about the students?

As far as I can see, blogs may also provide students with a platform in which they can reflect on their own learning experiences, and share these with classmates, locally and globally. The blog may serve as a way for students to meet other students doing similar topics, etc, all over the world. The issue to be considered here, though, is privacy. Blogs pose serious risks for some students who do not wish for their identity to be made public. It would be difficult to ensure all students are writing blogs, maintaining 'netiquette' standards and ensuring all classmates identities remained anonymous.

It seems to me that blogs are a great tool for teachers, but perhaps a private forum within the classroom or school community would be more appropriate for students to use.

Mind Mapping

Today I used bubbl.us.com to make a mind map of the what has been taught/learned this week at uni. I found the website very easy to use, and pretty self explanatory. The skill level needed to operate the program definitely made this tool appropriate for primary school aged children. They could use it to illustrate thought processes/processes of working/connections in learning. Now, if technology is meant to be used in the classroom to offer something that old ways of teaching can't, I cannot se how this tool facilitates MORE learning than simply using the old-school brainstorming on paper. To me, it does the same thing, but misses the appeal to kinesthetic/spatial learners. The old sticky notes still seem like a pretty good way to organise/connect/categorise information to me!

Blogspot vs Wordpress

It's day three and I have noticed more people at Uni have chosen to use blogspot than wordpress (actually, I think I am the only one using wordpress!) It is time to check out what the differences are...

Having discovered that you can easily change around the format on blogspot and the backgrounds are more easily changed... I am now a blogspotter!